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Online Event
About the Course
An integrated 10-day course having 10 sessions of 90 minutes duration each
Benefits according to scientific research -
- High immune stability and prevents infectious and non-infectious diseases
- Strengthen your respiratory system and increase lung capacity
- Prevent respiratory ailments and increase oxygen supply to the body
- Eliminate stress and calms down the mind
- Increases your energy level, will power and agility
- Increases vitality, strength, and immunity of internal organs and systems
- Enhances states of meditation
- Good for treatment of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and respiratory ailments
The program includes the following special techniques of Nirvana Yoga :
- Yogic Dynamic Exercise– A special practice that can be performed easily but has energizing effects on your body.
- Office Yoga– simple yogic exercises performed sitting on a chair
- Breathing Exercises– simple and deep breathing exercises with body movements scientifically developed to increase lung capacity and develop immunity
- Nadishuddhi Pranayama– One of the most important yogic breathing that develops immunity, balances all internal functions, and calms down the mind.
- Sukshma Pranayama Kriya– Tension Relieving Pranayama
- Therapy for Mind with Special Chantings – chanting of special sounds that stimulates your energy centers and eliminates stress and creates inner peace and calmness.
This program is ideal for all above 12 years of age for preventing infectious and non-infectious diseases and strengthening immune functions.
Nirvana Yoga techniques included in this program and their benefits are:
- Yogic Dynamic Exercise– simple and powerful exercise to release tension from your body and mind and increase blood circulation to all parts of the body
- Breathing Exercise– Specialized practices of Nirvana Yoga that includes deep breathing with simple body movements that helps to increase lung capacity, strengthen the respiratory system, correct the breathing pattern and make it rhythmic, increase strength, flexibility, and blood circulation to different parts of your body. It also increases the flow of Prana – the vital energy.
- Nadishuddhi Pranayama– One of the most important Yogic breathing that not only strengthens the heart and respiratory system but also develops immunity, relieves stress, and balances the entire autonomic nervous system thereby balancing all internal functions of the human body.
- Sukshma Pranayama Kriya– Tension relieving Pranayama, a very special yogic practice scientifically developed by Guru Madhavacharyan that helps you to relieve tension instantly in twenty minutes. Moreover, it induces deep relaxation and meditative experience. and peaceful mantras of for relieving mental stress and experience calmness and inner peace.
- Therapy for Mind with Special Chantings – A special technique of Nirvana Yoga that involves chanting of certain mantras or sounds in tune with nature. This stimulates your higher chakras and helps to elevate your mind from negative emotional centers to positive emotional centers. It also helps to achieve peace of mind and experience states of meditation.
Please read the experience of the participants who attended this program in this link
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